Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)


Team: KR DreamCasters
School: Kent Ridge Secondary School

CHANGE is a story that tells us about the life of a secondary school girl, Charlotte, who lost her mother. This event has taken a toll on both her and especially her father.. Charlotte’s father started drinking and it turned into an addiction. He even forgot to keep his promise to Charlotte. This eventually led to him thinking of taking drugs. However, Charlotte appeared in time to keep her father in line and stop him from taking the drugs. Even after finding him in the state, Charlotte persevered to change him. All the efforts were not in vain and eventually he came around. This also inspired Charlotte to persevere in her studies as she sees her father trying his hardest to change for her. This teaches us that no matter how hard the situation, we should always persevere and try our best to change for the better.

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