Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The Answer

Team: The Protectors

School: Fuhua Secondary School

In a world defined by its relentless barrage of challenges, marked by distinctions, failures, and the looming presence of bullies, we may find ourselves caught in the crossfire of unforgiving factors that test their resilience and determination. In the face of such adversities, the question that lingers is: how should one respond? Amidst the turmoil, a fleeting solution emerges in the form of a solitary pill, promising a momentary escape from the pain that life inflicts. Yet, the ephemeral relief it offers raises a profound inquiry—does the allure of respite justify the potential repercussions? Meet Soo Xuan, a student thrust into the throes of these contemplations. As we delve into Soo Xuan’s journey, we are invited to explore the intricate interplay between personal struggles, societal pressures, and the pursuit of lasting solace, prompting us to ponder the ultimate worth of a choice that hinges on the delicate balance between momentary relief and enduring consequences.

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