Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Chain Reaction

Team: Lemoncage
School: –

“Chain Reaction” follows the tragic tale of best friends Jim and James, inseparable since childhood. When Jim falls into meth addiction and dies, James, overwhelmed with grief, spirals into the same destructive path. Unable to cope, he succumbs to the same fate—setting off a chain reaction that could affect yet another life, with no end in sight.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


Team: Affinity Cinematics
School: Temasek Polytechnic

The video narration is a poem of Anne, a drug abuser, and how her journey progresses as she spirals into addiction. She recalls the highs and the desire for more. Unfortunately, her addiction dragged her father into the mess, working so hard only to suffer the horrors of having your own daughter be a drug addict. Only when Anne can think clearly does she see her actions don’t just affect her but everyone around her, especially those closest to her; questioning if that few moments of high was really worth living the rest of your life as a nightmare. Ultimately, as the first word of each stanza spells out “I regret doing drugs.” The ‘O’ at the end being the full-stop. This film was shot to show, not tell, what drug addiction does. Daydream It felt–good Remember that feeling? Everyday, dawn to dusk, time flew Give me more…set me free Remember that feeling…drifting on water Every time it hits The pain numbs…like I’m free-floating Dreams feel so real…until you Open your eyes to the nightmare I didn’t ask for this Non of it! Give me back my dream! Dad? No…I didn’t mean to… Rebecca? Why are you here! Under the water, no one can hear me scream… Give me another chance…I wish… Somebody there? Oh…The one who set me free…is also the one who watch me drown… All music used is from Pixabay

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


Team: Baking Bread
School: Institute of Technical Education(ITE CC) filmmaking(cinematography)

Danial, a young man devastated by a recent breakup, turns to drugs as a way to numb the pain. As his life becomes consumed by addiction, he drifts further from the person he once was, lost in a haze of substance abuse. His world takes a dramatic turn when his younger sister, Lina, falls gravely ill. Faced with the heartbreaking reality of her sickness, Lina encourages Danial to change his ways before it’s too late. Her words strike a chord, and Danial realizes the urgency of reclaiming his life. Determined to turn things around, Danial begins the difficult journey of breaking free from his addiction, spurred on by his sister’s love and support. As he fights to stay clean, he learns that true strength lies in facing his pain, not escaping it. “Embrace” is a powerful story about the dangers of addiction and the importance of embracing change before it’s too late. It serves as a reminder to cherish what truly matters and to find the strength to overcome life’s challenges.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Drugs are not victimless but they could be one victim less.

Team: k9snifferz888
School: Eunoia Junior College

The fictional non-related chronicles of two teenage girls whose lives are slowly, but surely, being taken ahold of by a deceivingly harmless white powder. The girls struggle to grapple with circumstances that seem to push them closer and closer to edge, eventually forcing them to turn to drugs for transient feelings of relief. However, they soon come to face the truth that not all that glimmers is gold, and in this case, not all pills are meant to heal.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Redemption: Sister’s Sorrow

Team: MOG Team 8
School: ITE College Central

The elder sister, lost to drugs due to pressure, lashes out when confronted by her younger sibling and breaks her precious necklace. In a desperate act, the younger sibling calls the police, leading her to sister’s arrest. After serving time and seeking help, the elder sister returns changed. However the scars runs deep, and the younger sister struggles to forgive, leaving their relationship on shaky ground as they navigate the rocky path to reconciliation. ​

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

What If?

School: Republic Polytechnic

What can one’s life be without drugs? While impatiently waiting for his friend, Justin is offered a little treat for him to calm down. At first he is skeptical, but when he finally tries it, things don’t always turn out for the better… Ignoring his family and friends, and even doing something unimaginable to his girlfriend, this video ends with the person he could have been if he simply didn’t (take the drugs). Through this video, we wish to convey to our audience to “Make the right choice”. There is always another way to lead your life. You should not succumb to something just because you see it as the sole option. Drugs take away your potential to achieve the good in life.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Echoes of Regret

Team: Tea MOG 5
School: Institute of Technical Education College Central

While apologising to her loved ones, flashes of her past return as viewers are shown the consequence of drug abuse and how the people around are affected. She starts to realise that her loved ones were for her, not against her and made a decision to mend those broken relationships by breaking free from drug consumption.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

I Need More

Team: CSI Productions
School: –

“I Need More” follows Ashwin, a young man struggling with addiction. His battle with his inner demons and the fallout from his acts are depicted as his dependency grows and pushes him towards a road of desperation. This affects his relationship with his father and forces him to make risky decisions.The film captures the emotional and psychological toll of addiction, exploring themes of guilt, loss, and the struggle for redemption.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Turning Point

Team: Conjuring 5
School: Nanyang Polytechnic

A young teenager is stressed due to pressure from his parents and peers to perform well for his exams. He is introduced to drugs when he meets an old friend of his. Desperate for relief, he decides to take it, but he finds himself thrown into a dark haze. Little does he know he is already starting to get addicted to drugs. When his close friend at school finds out, this sparks a heated argument between them which causes him to realize the consequences of his actions.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

for the best

Team: coke0
School: Eunoia Junior College

Josh sees his way of escaping his reality by indulging in drugs- leading to negligence in himself, his duties and his family. Will he be able to snap his mind out of drugs? Or will he fall down the path of addiction, and suffer the consequences of his actions? Is it just him who suffers?