Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

The Choice Within

Team: Coke(ain’t)

School: Republic Polytechnic Of Singapore

In “The Choice Within”, Shavina’s journey takes her to a crossroads where she must decide between two paths. One leads to drugs, a tempting escape that ends in her arrest. The other path is harder, requiring her to stay true to herself and her values. Viewers are to interpret the ending of whether Shavina succumbed to drugs or not. This story reminds us that even in tough times, our choices define who we are.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

போதை (Bodhai) | Addiction Short Film #DrugFreeSG

Team: Five Squad

When two close friends are approached to sell drugs by a stranger, one of them agrees and the other one disagrees. How their choice has made an impact on their lives forms the rest of the story, discussing about how one’s choice about drugs can make a huge difference in one’s life

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

What if you said “Yes” to drugs?

Team: Fabric of Life (Team Bravo)

School: Institute of Technical Education (West)

The synopsis of the video is that you need to think about the consequences of taking your action. The video shows the main character going through a rough time in his life and wanting to distract his mind to feel happy again. No matter how bad life can be, do not sacrifice your health for temporary happiness.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

What If I Didn’t…?

School: Republic Polytechnic

While impatiently waiting for his friend, Justin is offered a little treat for him to calm down. At first he is skeptical, but when he finally tries it, things don’t always turn out for the better… Ignoring his family and friends, and even doing something unimaginable to his girlfriend, this video ends with the person he could have been if he simply didn’t (take the drugs).

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Too Late

Team: Candealers

School: Nanyang Polytechnic

An amnesiac student struggles to make sense of the world around him, trying to figure out why his schoolmates seem to be unable to see him. He tries to find out what had happened to him, with the clues given to him from the actions of his friends. As events start to form connections, he reaches a shocking conclusion.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

The Last of Her

Team: Cold Cane
School: Jurong Pioneer Junior College

18 year old Zoey is faced with a slew of problems: a deteriorating relationship with her mother, abhorrent results, and the looming threat of her GCE A-Level Examinations. But when she chances upon an article stating the benefits of consuming Ritalin, her desperation pushes her to steal her brother’s ADHD medicine…

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

The Ghost of the Past

Team: Breaking Bad Habits

School: Jurong Pioneer Junior College

Aaron is a former drug abuser who struggled to end his addiction to drugs. Over time, he succeeded in staying away from drugs. However, one day, he felt the sudden urge to relapse, and he found his drugs in a cupboard in his room. He was hesitant to take the drugs but before he could go through his decision, he suddenly fainted due to the stress and anxiety. Aaron woke up, confused when he suddenly saw himself staring back at him. It was his past self. The past Aaron reminded the present Aaron all of the struggles that he went through to be free from drugs. Past Aaron tried to convince the present Aaron not to take the drugs after all of the struggles he went through. Aaron started to remember how proud his friends were once he got rid of his addiction. In the end, Aaron makes the choice that he does not want to take the drugs as he did not want to disappoint those who matter to him. Aaron then throws the drugs into the dustbin and vowed never to turn back to drugs ever again.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

The Continuum

Team: Patatas Fritas

School: Nanyang Polytechnic – School of Design and Media

Susan, a girl in Secondary school is struggling to cope with her stresses. With abusive parents who are always fighting, no friends, and exam stress, she wants to find a way to cope. One day, her classmate hands her a bag of drugs after seeing her stressed out, which tempts her to try drugs. Back home, before she is able to take the drugs, her mother starts berating her. This sets her off, pushing her over the edge and causes her to start doing drugs. Susan then finds herself in a loop of doing drugs, and is unable of escaping it.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

The choice is yours…

Team: Enchanteur

School: Republic Polytechnic

Gerald thought it would be a one-time thing, but his life took a turn when the drugs slowly consumed him. From a friendly studious person, Gerald slowly started to lose himself as he found himself trapped in a stupor. He then goes through a cycle of memories of his past and present and was met with a tragic fate from the consumption of drugs.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

The Choice is Yours

Team: 230501

School: Nanyang Polytechnic

Jess goes out regularly to play and have fun despite knowing that there is an exam around the corner. Even after her friend’s warning and advice, she still chooses not to study but to go out and have fun. She then realizes that she flunked the test badly and has to retain due to her grades, causing her to be sad and depressed. Longing for happiness, she reaches out to a friend who provides the contact of a drug supplier. Being naive, she decided to try drugs, hoping it would help her, but to her horror she was caught and reprimanded by the police during the transaction.