Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)


Team: B&J Creations

School: Fuhua Secondary School

Controlled by drugs, Edgewin finds himself stuck in a horrifying reality. He eventually gets trapped in a deadly situation, where he realises that the only way to free himself from the reality is to destroy the cause of all of it, and that is none other than the drugs itself.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

unseen victims

Team: DFL

School: River Valley High School

The brother misses his older sister who died of drug overdose, he consumes drugs because drugs reminds him of his sister. He then fainted as his body could not take it, and hallucinated He didn’t understand why his sister was taking drugs, but after trying it, he understood. He consumed more drugs causing him to get addicted to it. This addiction led to him falling into depression as he ran out of supply. His over reliance on drugs and not having anymore left to fee his addiction lead to him commiting suicide. He woke up from his “hallucination” and tried consuming more drugs. His younger sister walks in on him and stops him from consuming more drugs in real life.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Two choice, one life

Team: Yipee

School: Commonwealth Secondary School

Tom failed his WA. He sits at staircase, crying. Stranger comes up to him and offers drugs. Jerry is at the library, reading a book peacefully. As she leaves the library, same stranger approaches her and offers drugs. She politely declines and hurries off. Split screen. Tom is sleeping in class. Jerry is working on her PLD. Tom is walking home slouching. Shot is desaturated. Jerry is walking home with a bright hop in her step. Shot is in colour. Tom and Jerry are walking pass each other. Jerry walks by and bumps Tom and continue walking and look surprised before turning around. She approaches Tom and taps him on the shoulder. They talk. Jerry convinces Tom to quit drugs. He agrees and Jerry extends her hand out to him. Tom takes her hand. Shot turns from desaturated to colour.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

To Ah Boy

Team: CLV

School: River Valley High School

Ah Boy faces issues finding a job and his mother, Ah Chew, gives him her savings to help him. Ah Boy uses the money to buy drugs instead. His mother finds out and they get into a violent altercation. It is then found out that Ah Chew has stage 4 lung cancer which she dies from soon after. Ah Boy decides to turn over a new leaf upon reading his mother’s will.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

There are better ways to be happy rather than taking Drugs

Team: Say No To Drugs

School: Christ Church Secondary School

This video depicts a story of a young person who was wrongly influenced by friends and due to peer pressure and increased stress levels, she went on take drugs which in the end made her health situation much worse. With the help and support of her close best friends, she realises her mistake and learnt that there was better ways to be happy rather than taking the wrong path and regret it for her entire life.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The Right Or Wrong

Team: ORRR

School: Evergreen Secondary School

The video talks about how the main character has an aspiration. 2 parallel scenes play, one where the main character succumbs to the uses of drugs to help him achieve his dream, while the other parallel scene shows the user rejecting drug use and does lives a drug free life.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The Right Choice


School: Bedok View Secondary School

The video follows the story of Savajeet, who is offered drugs at a party. Our video highlights the negative impact of drugs on one’s social relationships and dreams, following the theme, “The choice is yours – be empowered and make the right one.” The video underscores how drug abuse affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. It emphasizes the importance of making informed choices. Through examples used in the video from what Savajeet life may end in if he chooses to abuse drugs, the video illustrates how drugs disrupt ambitions, tarnish potential, and destroy communities. It reminds viewers that the temporary high isn’t worth the lasting damage.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The Portrait

Team: Team Starrynight

School: Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School

“The Portrait” shadows a girl engulfed in drug-fueled escapism after her mother’s demise. A confrontation with her younger sister exposes her secret, igniting a tense argument. The narrative hangs on whether this clash will serve as a turning point for the elder sister’s path, holding the promise of redemption or further descent into despair.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The First Step

Team: Drugbusters

School: Nan Chiau High School

Many people, similar to issac, will face major challenges in their lives. In spite of knowing not to, they might end up using drugs to relieve their stress, which causes further problems. With the support from loved ones and therapy, they will be able to recover from their drug addiction.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The Cost Of Choices

Team: CWSS2 [NMC+Drama]

School: Commonwealth Secondary School

In a 2-minute video titled “The Cost of Choices,” we follow Dylan, a young adult that is struggling with debts and is frustrated about his financial situation. A quick opportunity to make money appears in an online ad, he decides to take it up for the cash despite the moral implications. He ends up accepting a job as a drug transporter/trafficker due to his urge to change his financial situation. He gets stopped by a plain-clothes police officer during one of his deliveries, resulting in his arrest. He is jailed and his life falls apart. His family is suffers due to his actions. Ultimately, he meets his fate to the death punishment along with the overwhelming regret of his choice The video serves as a cautionary tale, showing how one impulsive decision driven by frustration and money can lead to a life of regret and ruin. It emphasises the importance of making responsible choices and understanding the consequences they can bring.