Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


Team: Erica Lee YQ
School: –

A father goes through the five stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance – following his son’s death due to drug abuse. His wife blames him entirely for their son’s death, but he is in denial. Through this journey, the father realises that the real victim is not himself, but his son.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Fragments of Healing

Team: MOG 7
School: ITE College Central

In a room filled with loved ones, a drug addict’s reality fractures as everyone freezes. Confusion turns to frustration and agitation, triggering a tumultuous awakening with drugs in hand. Despite efforts to help from a caring best friend, the addict pushes away, fearing loss. Hurtful words strain their bond, but the friend persists, knowing the importance of intervention. As the addict teeters on the brink of overdose, her world freezes once more, teetering on the edge of darkness. Alone, she calls out for salvation, until a guiding hand pulls her back to life. Awakening to tearful faces, she realizes the depth of her friend’s love and support. Seeking forgiveness, she commits to therapy and healing, grateful for a friend who never gave up on her.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


Team: Team MOG 3
School: ITE College Central

An 18-year-old girl, overwhelmed by the immense pressure of expectations placed upon her, feels trapped and desperate. In an attempt to escape the crushing burden, she turns to drugs as a temporary refuge. Sadly, this destructive path leads her to a tragic end, as she ultimately takes her own life, unable to cope with the overwhelming weight of her struggles.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


School: Singapore Management University

After suffering a critical injury and losing his chance to participate in the local basketball tournament, a man is left broken and depressed, unable to chase his dreams. Struggling to find meaning in his life, he becomes involved with the wrong crowd, which leads him down a destructive path. Exposed to drugs, he quickly spirals into addiction, causing harm to himself, the community, and those around him, leading to devastating consequences.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


Team: YUS
School: Ngee Ann Polytechnic

One fine day, a teenager unexpectedly finds his younger brother attempting cannabis. After stopping him, the brother’s response triggers flashbacks of the times they spent together. Upon realising that his brother’s actions are a reflection of his, the teenager feels guilty and ashamed. He admits his mistake and discards the drugs, guiding his brother to regain true freedom.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

Blinded Love

Team: Blobfish
School: Nanyang Polytechnic

Seth suggests doing drugs with his girlfriend Kayla, who declines but is disappointed. She later sees an Instagram story of Seth with other girls, shocking her and frustrating her further. Just at the moment, her sister Mei Mei asks for homework help but Kayla refuses with a cold tone. The next day, Kayla agrees to take drugs with Seth after feeling insecure by the instagram story. Meanwhile Mei Mei, who noticed Kayla’s troubled look the night before, makes a card to cheer Kayla up. When Kayla was sending Seth home after taking drugs together, Mei Mei went to Kayla’s room to leave the card. Mei Mei finds the drugs, mistakes them for gummy bears, and eats them. Kayla comes home, feeling drowsy from the drug effects, and sleeps on the couch. She then wakes up by her mother’s screams for Mei Mei to wake up. The video ends with Kayla regretting her decisions, with a face full of regret.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


Team: nurseryecons
School: Eunoia Junior College

“Goodnight” follows the story of Josh, a high-achieving student and sprinter whose life begins to unravel under the pressure of maintaining his top performance. Despite his history of success, Josh has been struggling to sustain his good performance. After his friend heard about his problems, he offers him a packet of white powder, promising it will help him regain his edge. Tempted by the quick fix, Josh imagines the potential benefits of using the drug. However, as he contemplates the decision, he starts to envision the darker consequences. In fear of the consequences, Josh chooses to resist the temptation. He throws the drugs away and he turns off the lights in his room, he bids the day goodbye with a simple yet powerful, “Goodnight,” symbolizing his choice to face his challenges without resorting to drugs.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

No Rewind

Team: TickTock
School: Eunoia Junior College

Our video, titled TickTock, uses the sound of a Newton’s cradle to symbolize the relentless progression of drug addiction. The cradle starts swinging with the first student’s decision to pass drugs, marking the beginning of a vicious drug cycle. As the main character continues to engage in drug use, the cradle swings faster and the tick-tock sound intensifies, illustrating the escalating consequences of their actions. The video emphasizes how these choices lead to worsening outcomes, not only for the individual but also for those around them, such as their family.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

My Past Mistake

Team: Team MOG 1
School: ITE College Central

The story starts with the victim reflecting on life without drugs. Flashbacks show stress from school and family conflict. The victim accepts drugs from a suspicious man, initially feeling relief but later suffering from dizziness and depression. Ignoring concerns, the victim overdoses and collapses. A worried friend finds them and calls for help.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)

The Unforgiven Choice

Team: Lavender
School: Nanyang Polytechnic

Emily struggled to cope with her anxiety and had trouble with school. She was worried her only close friend in real life, Luna would be annoyed by her questions, so she did not approach her for help. Val, her online friend, happened to approach her and encouraged Emily to take drugs. She feels more relieved as she escapes from reality after taking the drugs. When she ran out of drugs, her addiction made her crave for more. She develops aggression and harms those around her. Luna observed her and found her acting strange. She checked on Emily and probed her continuously. Emily ends up pushing Luna, causing her to fall and break her spine. She became paralysed waist down for life. Their friendship becomes ruined and Emily lives in guilt.