Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Under the Pressure

Team: Synergy Productions

School: NUS High School of Mathematics and Science

A boy is convinced to take drugs by his friends, and ends up addicted, high, and disfunctional, and ends up affecting everyone around him. In the end, he ends up on the floor, dysfunctional, and it teaches us to not take drugs and to be wary of who pressures you.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Breaking The Chains

Team: Xinmin Secondary School Team 1

School: Xinmin Secondary School

Mia, a Secondary 3 student, lost her brother due to a drug incident. Thus, she started the campaign, named “Break the Chain”, with the aim to stop drugs. One day, she had a friend who found out some information about a drug dealer in the neighbourhood. She used her free time to track down the drug dealer. This was how Mia took small steps as part of the “Breaking the Chain” campaign, to stop the use of drugs in her neighbourhood.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)


Team: Champions of Change

School: Commonwealth Secondary School


Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)




In this insightful video, the protagonist, the son, speaks out about his father’s drug addiction to a close friend, who advises him to find help from the authorities. Subsequently, his dad gets caught for substance abuse. The dad realizes his mistake, changes his ways, and becomes a better version of himself.

Category II (Young Adults – aged 17 to 25)


Team: Delayed cuts

School: Republic Poly

Everyone wishes to have a second chance in life. While it is normal to have regrets about the choices we make and the paths we take, oftentimes do we rarely realise how such actions can affect those close to us. In the short film “Lucy”, we join our character Jamie who struggles with his selfish outlook on life. He tries out a substance named “Lucy” given by his friend, and experiences a high that he just can’t seem to let go off. Having to choose between giving up his newfound addiction and his relationship with his mother, Jamie finds himself in a dilemma. With the help of his future self having gone through the path downwards, he tries to pull himself back on the right path to fix his relationship.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)


Team: P.A.V.E


Lucas is a model student who started falling behind in his Chinese, as such, he decides to turn to his trusty search engine (Google). He comes across a suggestion, “Drugs” and decides to click on the website. As such, he finds himself soon in a downwards spiral of addiction and helplessness. In the end, he is taken away for rehabilitation as he has made his teachers, friends and family victims of his abuse.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

A light in the Dark

Team: NUS High

School: NUS High School of Math and Science

Alex, a struggling teen, falls deeper into drug addiction, resulting in increasing isolation and deteriorating relationships with friends and family. As Alex’s life spirals out of control, a concerned friend steps in, confronting them with a blend of compassion and tough love. This pivotal intervention encourages Alex to seek help, embarking on a difficult journey toward recovery and the gradual restoration of their broken relationships and sense of self.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

You’re not alone

Team: CHR

School: Christ Church Secondary School

This video talks about addiction. The reasons behind taking drugs. It shows how drugs can affect you and the people and things around you. But it also shows that there is a way to overcome addiction. The aim of this video is to show that you aren’t the only one who is affected by drugs.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Ray of Light

Team: Whitley Sec Sch Drama Club

School: Whitley Secondary School

Kiki, a struggling student, resorts to drugs to escape from the stress that she faced. Seeing herself as a victim in the predicaments that she faced, Kiki finally realises the mistake that she made through the guidance, love and affection she received from her best friend, Samya. To Kiki, Samya is the ray of light that got her out from the dark tunnel of drug addiction.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

To Ah Boy

Team: CLV

School: River Valley High School

Ah Boy faces issues finding a job and his mother, Ah Chew, gives him her savings to help him. Ah Boy uses the money to buy drugs instead. His mother finds out and they get into a violent altercation. It is then found out that Ah Chew has stage 4 lung cancer which she dies from soon after. Ah Boy decides to turn over a new leaf upon reading his mother’s will.