Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The Choice is Yours

Team: Xinmin Media Team 4

School: Xinmin Secondary School

John, the main character, bumps into Sam on the way home. Sam saw John and decided to persuade him to try the special chemical he has. John was reluctant to take the special chemical because Sam forced him to, and he had no choice. Sam led John to a mysterious figure who offered him the special chemical. On the way, John bumps into Ethan, his best friend. Ethan saw the special chemical John was holding, reprimanded him, and told him about the bad effects of drugs. John reflects on what happened that day, regrets his decision, and learns that the choice is his on whether to follow what his friend does.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The choice is yours

Team: Ants in your pants

School: West Spring Secondary School

A student met up with 3 badly-influenced students to try drugs. After a while of consuming the drugs, he passed out as a reaction to the new substance introduced to his body. The 3 students left him there and fled the scene before a teacher had found him lying there. Song credits:

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The choice is yours

Team: Mango cake

School: CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh)

Anne faces the hard choice of whether she should take drugs, if she does, what happens to the people around her? What will happen to her sister, her best friend, what about her life? Is taking drugs really that worth it or could this all be a bad choice for Anne?

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

The Answer

Team: The Protectors

School: Fuhua Secondary School

In a world defined by its relentless barrage of challenges, marked by distinctions, failures, and the looming presence of bullies, we may find ourselves caught in the crossfire of unforgiving factors that test their resilience and determination. In the face of such adversities, the question that lingers is: how should one respond? Amidst the turmoil, a fleeting solution emerges in the form of a solitary pill, promising a momentary escape from the pain that life inflicts. Yet, the ephemeral relief it offers raises a profound inquiry—does the allure of respite justify the potential repercussions? Meet Soo Xuan, a student thrust into the throes of these contemplations. As we delve into Soo Xuan’s journey, we are invited to explore the intricate interplay between personal struggles, societal pressures, and the pursuit of lasting solace, prompting us to ponder the ultimate worth of a choice that hinges on the delicate balance between momentary relief and enduring consequences.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Silent Struggles

Team: PH Times Group 1

School: Pei Hwa Secondary School

Silent Struggles is a poignant silent film that explores the harsh reality of drug addiction through the eyes of those who are affected by it the most. The film follows the story of a father who is struggling with drug addiction and the devastating impact it has on those around him, including his family. As the film opens, we see the father (Portrayed by Mr Teo Eng Hao) at the peak of his addiction, using drugs openly at home and pushing away anyone who tries to help him, including his wife (Portrayed by Mdm Chen Peishi). We also see the effect of his behaviour on his family, as they struggle to come to terms with their father/husband’s addiction and the burden it places on their own lives. As the film progresses, we see how the son(Portrayed by Daniel Pang Chi Huang) is affected by his actions. From being teased to fighting with the school bully (Portrayed by Tay Boon Khai Treyden) in school. Resulting from that, the son and father had a large fight about this incident after the principal’s call. Due to overwhelming sadness and concern for his father, the son insulted his father and in a fit of anger, snatched the pack of drugs. After the fight, the father reflected upon himself and decided to give up on his drug addiction Silent Struggles is a powerful and moving tribute to the struggle that so many face when dealing with addiction. Through its stunning visuals and poignant storytelling, the film will leave viewers with a greater understanding of the toll that addiction can take on those who suffer from it and those around them.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Second Chance

Team: DEA agents

School: Montfort Secondary School

A student goes to try out drugs due to being very stressed out by school. However he gets addicted and cannot stop. Despite his friendu2019s best attempts to find out what is happening to him, he pushes them all away. Yet, after almost getting caught in the act and at his lowest point, his friend is still there to help him.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Say To No Drugs

Team: Nasace

School: Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School

Say no to drug. We follow a girl who is constantly getting bullied in school. One day, unable to take it anymore, she finally snaps, and gives in to her desire for drugs. Not long after, she starts to feel the effects it has to her body and behavior. Will she get the help she needs, or will she just continue to spiral in to this bad addiction?

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Say No To Drugs

Team: AnimeAnimation
School: Bukit Merah Secondary School

The four friends excitedly making plans for their future. A glimpse of the dark side of drug abuse, showing its destructive impact. But after the four friends attending an anti-drug awareness campaign. They learn about the dangers of drugs and the importance of staying away from them. Say NO to Drugs!

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)

Road to Recovery

Team: Drugless
School: Xinmin Secondary School

Emma feels stressed, thus her friend gives her some “stress relievers”, disguised as drugs. Emma tries it to relieve stress and becomes addicted to drugs. Her other friend notices her holding a bag of drugs and confronts her, however she acts like nothing is happening and runs away. Her friend informs their teacher, Ms Aminah, of her consumption of drugs. Ms Aminah refers Emma to the school counsellor and the school counsellor talks to her, making Emma realise her mistakes of consuming drugs and stops consuming drugs. Lastly, Ms Aminah presents a certificate of accomplishment to Emma.

Category I (Youths – aged 12 to 16)


Team: West Spring PDM5
School: West Spring Secondary School
A young teen on the run reflects about the events that had led him into this point in time where he accidentally kills his father. After mourning the lost of his friend along with the constant stress of school, he starts to consume drugs to ease his pain.